Opening Hours : Monday - Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.


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650 964 6400


1174 Castro St. Suite 120

Mountain View, CA 94040

Contact Us

We will schedule your appointments as promptly as possible.

For your convenience, you can now contact our office by e-mail. You may also reach our office by telephone by calling (650) 964-6400 or by faxing us at (650) 964-0797. We will schedule your appointments as promptly as possible. If you have pain or an emergency situation, every attempt will be made to see you that day.

Please note that this contact form is for asking questions and not scheduling an appointment. If you want to schedule an appointment, please click here.

Rouleau Orthodontics

1174 Castro St., Suite 120

Mountain View, CA 94040

Phone: 650-964-6400

Fax: 650-964-0797


Office Hours:

Monday through Thursday: 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.